(508) 627-4421
A Historic Church with a Rich History

What We Believe
New here? Info!
We are a Christian community guided by Jesus’s message of love, hope, and inclusion. Our historic roots are in the Congregationalist and American Baptist traditions, so we don’t have a bishop or outside authority. We are governed by a church council made up of members, and there is a lot of involvement from members and friends in the operations of the church. Our history also means that we proudly affirm the freedom of individual conscience in interpretation of doctrine and scripture—it’s okay if we don’t all agree. People from many different faith traditions have found a spiritual home here. Our historic covenant binds us to one another, “to walk together in Christian love, striving as people of faith to increase in knowledge, holiness, and spirituality.”
As an officially Open and Affirming congregation, everyone is celebrated at TFC, and welcome to engage with us in our shared mission. This includes people of all ages, races, gender identities or expressions, sexual identities, economic circumstances, cultural backgrounds, education levels, family structures, physical, cognitive, or emotional abilities. Whoever you are, whomever you love, and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
When are worship services?
Sundays at 10 AM is the normal worship time in the Meetinghouse. Masking is optional at this time. All our services are livestreamed and recorded to view online. Watch the TFC Times for complete details. (Subscribe below!)

Do you have coffee hour?
Yes! But it isn't an hour! On most Sundays, an informal time of fellowship is held in the Parish House or the patio following worship with food and beverages. We encourage everyone to join us. We like to celebrate special occasions as well!
Subscribe to the TFC Times newsletter for all the details.
I'm interested in joining a Bible study group
All are welcome at our in-person or Zoom studies offered throughout the year. The programs are for everyone and anyone who is curious about the Bible and other aspects of theology. Our intent is to have fun and expand our understanding through discussion. New opportunities are listed in the TFC Times. Subscribe below!
(photo: Sincerely Media)

Is the church handipapped accessible?
Our Meetinghouse, Parish House and unisex bathrooms, are all accessible by wheelchair.
How do I become a member of the Federated Church?
When you are ready to join, we have a new member orientation designed to enhance your knowledge of all that we offer. New member classes are generally held once or twice a year depending on the need. Call the church office for more info.

How often do you serve communion?
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is held during worship on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome to partake. Communion is most often served to the congregation in the pew. Children, if present, are welcome to partake at the discretion of their parents or guardians.
(photo: James Coleman)